Sine, Cosine and Tangent
Sine and Cosine
The sine and cosine are goniometric functions which are periodical. That means that the function repeats itself after a certain period. The sine and cosine function are used in cases where there is something periodical going on such as vibrations and waves.
The function is the function used in mathematics to plot the graph of the sine. This function results in the wave as seen in figure 1 for this graph the domain of is used. The standard function has a period of an amplitude of 1 and its starting point is in the origin where the graph is going upwards.
The function is the function used in mathematics to plot the graph of the cosine. This function results in the wave as seen in figure 2 for this graph the domain of is used. The standard function has a period of an amplitude of 1 and the function has a maximum in the point (0,1) which is its starting position.
Generalized form of sin(x) and cos(x)
A more generalized form of the sine and cosine function and the different variables belonging to it are shown below.
Where A is equal to the y-translation of the whole function, B to the amplitude, C to and D to the x-translation of the function.
Since both the sine and the cosine are waves and the only difference in between them is the x-translation from D, it can be noticed that:
In the figure below an example of a sine of the generalized form is shown.
The tangent also is a goniometric function with a period, it can however not be graphed as a wave. The particular thing about the tangent is that it has vertical asymptotes.
The function can be plotted and this results in the graph as seen below with the domain . The period of the tangent is and it has vertical asymptotes at and
Generalized form of tan(x)
A more generalized form of the tangent function and the different variables belonging to it are shown below.
Where A is equal to the y-translation of the whole function, B to the 'stretch' of the function, C to and D to the x-translation of the function.
In the figure below an example of a tangent of the generalized form is shown with a domain of .